Professional development for makers – onboarding staff

After running maker workshops in libraries and other community spaces over the last 12 months, we’ve found our approach to how we provide staff training inevitably influenced by constructionist approaches. This has helped us make staff training and other professional development opportunities more approachable and engaging (and, dare we say, fun) for staff, even the […]

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Makercarts for Libraries and Museums – an update

We’ve been busy doing lots of interesting maker stuff lately and we’ve recently joined forces with Carlos Izsak to offer Makercarts for Libraries and Museums. We’ve been collaborating on various projects over the last 12 months but this means that Carlos has now joined Artefacto to lead on various maker education projects and help us […]

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Finding your way around proximity technologies (& improving user experience)

Introduction – Usability comes before technology “The best user experiences are enchanting. They help the user enter an alternate reality, whether it’s the world of making music, writing, sharing photos, coding, or managing a project.” – Kathy Sierra Proximity technology is a term that loosely brings together location-based technologies such as Bluetooth Beacons, Geofencing, QR […]

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Reimagining library spaces – a workshop on creating engaging community spaces

As part of HotHouse programme, we recently ran a collaborative workshop at Deptford Library on reimagining library spaces using digital technologies. The aim of the workshop was to introduce different technologies and demonstrate how they can help provide new ways for people and communities to engage with libraries and other community spaces creatively.   Participants […]

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