6 (and a half) tips for running awesome workshops and training events

A summary of some of the lessons learned the hard way while delivering workshops and training over the last 10 years. Make it welcoming for people of different skill levels Make all advertising and communication friendly and encouraging. Attending workshops and training, particularly technology-based ones, can be incredible intimidating for some people. Using friendly and […]

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Making at Surrey Libraries Staff Day

On Wednesday, Carlos and I attended the Surrey Library Staff Conference 2016 at Dorking Hall. We arrived just in time to catch a truly inspiring talk by Erik Boekesteijn which he titled Extreme Library Makeover. Erik gave an overview of some of the awesome projects he’s been involved in at Doklab and he makes a […]

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Artefacto Adventures in India

Earlier this year we were delighted to begin a new collaboration with the British Council in India, which saw us commissioned to produce a special Library Wall to celebrate the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare’s death (one of 2016’s notable anniversary dates – alongside the Great Fire of London; Battle of the Somme; and the birthdays […]

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Beyond Scratch : Coding for kids

Scratch is the quintessential platform for teaching kids about coding. This is what they use in Code Clubs across the land and it’s used widely in schools as well. The drag and drop approach used by block programming languages is great for teaching coding concepts and computation thinking but at a certain point, some kids […]

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Making library makers: A practical guide to developing digital making opportunities through openness and collaboration

This is the readable version of a talk that Carlos (Makercart) and I gave a talk at the recent CILIP 2016 conference in Brighton. First, a bit about us. Carlos is the creator of the Makercart project, a pop-up makerspace for libraries and other community organisations and Kate is co-founder of Artefacto, a creative technology […]

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